Home Gym Design
from 5 star
boutique studios to private home gyms
“Real luxury makes your life easier and better!”
Dream it.
With over 29 years of experience specializing in training an A list of clients in their homes, we know how to help create the best environment for you to succeed in yours. A custom designed and built home gym is a true luxury, from the integration of the right equipment, flooring, lighting, and layout into your home and lifestyle.
After building a few 5 star rated boutique gyms along the way, we have the expertise to build your dream gym,
Build it.
We can do as little as specify equipment based on your fitness goals and interests, to a layout and design of your gym space for the most effective use, all the way up to coordinating with our architect and interior designer( or yours ) to build a new gym or remodel a dedicated gym in your home. We'll use our expertise to recommend the best equipment to fit your individual needs, we don’t represent any manufacturers. If you’re looking for something custom tailored to your lifestyle, request an appointment for a free consultation today.